Software Project: ped v1.1.2, pypi and packaging

I finally built a standard python package for ped and released it to pypi which means it can be installed now by doing: pip install ped-editor ( just make sure that ~/.local/bin is on your path ). It is a sign of my brain recovering from years of being a manager ( and by definition very distracted all the time ) that I figured out the packaging stuff in a few hours. I have to say I looked at it many times over the years and I just didn’t get it so I put it off.

I’ve even started following a software development process, running and adding tests, building documentation, pushing releases. I’ve been the one making other folks do those things, but I haven’t had to do them myself for a while. There was considerable grinding and screeching as those old wheels started to turn again in my head.

Now that I have this project in shape I’m going to shift my attention to the backup software ( ) and do all these things there. Hopefully it’ll go a bit quicker since it won’t include the learning/relearning that I did on this project.

Also, I need to rehab a bike for my wife, but that is a different thread…
