Software Project: slides-sound v1.0.0 shipped...

So, the final project that I’m going to convert to Python 3 has shipped. I restructured it to a standard python project, converted it to Python 3, fixed a bunch of bugs and things that just weren’t good… added packaging and did some manual testing. It is here on github ( and from pypi by doing python3 -m pip install slides-sound.

This is really an experiment if anything and I intend to keep iterating on it, so possibly massive changes will come. I’m not doing formal tests for this one because honestly it doesn’t warrant it yet. If it ever stabilizes then I’ll dig in and do that.

There were more changes than I expected because some of the packages I used had changed in unexpected ways, some of the way I was doing things was completely inefficient, and stuff was broken because it was just hacked together ;-). So now it is a lot cleaner and less hacked…

You can check out the readme and the doc for further information…

This is the end of the Python 2 to Python 3 saga for now, there are a few other things that I haven’t published that I may convert in the future, but these are the ones I use most often and they’re published.

Here’s a parting video generated using the slides and music scripts:

Pictures from my several years commuting to Berlin.

Software Project: bkp-sync v1.0.0 shipped!

The suite of backup, restore and sync tools that I use to back up and sync all of our home systems is now officially a v1.0.0. The repository is here and the package is in pypy as bkp-sync so you can just do python3 -m pip install bkp-sync. The scripts will get installed on your ~/.local/bin…

The transition from the original code base to this one was a massive change, I converted to Python 3, restructured the project to be a standard Python project format, wrote pytest automation for all of the modules and the command line scripts.

I just converted my main system over to using the packaged version in “production.”

In the process of doing this I cleaned up the code a lot, the original had lots of globals and module level state which made the modules sorta useless as an API. I fixed all that, encapsulating everything into classes so now the modules form a very powerful API for moving files between file systems, sftp sites, and Amazon s3. In the process the command line tools gained new capabilities that they didn’t have before, “sync” for example was never intended to work with s3 and now it does, so you could set up a sync between a local folder or folders and an s3 bucket and changes would just get automatically pushed and pulled.

The backup api creates versioned sets of changed files which is very cool as a concept to build other things besides backup software. The controls over what gets backed up are very flexible and powerful.

The whole process went faster start to finish than the editor project partly because it was a smaller codebase with less “features” but also because I had already climbed the learning curve of the tools and such.

So, I think I’ll get converted to Python 3 but without the rigorous testing since I really don’t use those tools for anything but experimenting. The project is probably dead, it wouldn’t be worth converting it to Python 3 so I’ll just leave that there as an archive.

Software Project: ped the editor, v1.0.0

After all the work getting the editor ( ) to Python 3 and getting the test coverage to 78% and fixing a lot of bugs, I also wanted to do some improvements. I worked hard on getting the optimal redraw to work and the terminal cursor was still being a problem so I turned it off and now render my own cursor. I also had to redo a lot of the code that managed multiple views so that they would render efficiently and also keep their cursor positions when you changed frames or current files and updates in other windows are properly reflected in all the windows. I also made it easier to see which frame is current when there are multiple frames and cleaned up a bunch of over refreshing in the dialog code as well.

I made it so that editing a new file doesn’t create the file until you save it and also the editor now warns you if the file you are editing has been modified on disk.

I optimized the code for recoloring the current file and now it runs very fast reducing or eliminating any flashes when it has to catch up.

So, given all the improvements and the testing I decided to mark that moment with a v1.0.0 release. I’ll try to do patch releases relatively frequently as I find and fix other things ( two seconds after the v1.0.0 release I found several things and fixed them…)

It’s been a lot of fun getting this code cleaned up and improving the testing, I’ve spend hours at a time in a kind of flow state just coding and debugging. I even forgot to get lunch a few times, which I never do…